Seed Laboratory potato

The workshop conducts research in the following areas:

  • Monitoring the dynamics of aphid population and species composition in Poland.
  • Monitoring the threat of potato viruses.
  • Limiting the spread of viruses in seed crops, signaling the timing of aphid control and haulm destruction.
  • Improving the seed potato production system.
  • Enhancing control methods for official health assessments of seed potatoes, including breaking tuber dormancy.

Research is carried out in field conditions, greenhouses, storage facilities, and laboratories, including a specialized room with controlled temperature and lighting. Additionally, one of the important activities is disseminating knowledge about potato production and protection through the publication of articles in national agricultural journals and conducting training for farmers and specialized potato producers.

  • Evaluation of potato seed tuber infection with viruses: PVY, PVM, PVS, PVA, PVX, PLRV, TRV using the DAS ELISA test.
  • Testing insecticides (aphid control) for registration research purposes.
  • Field and laboratory studies related to the yield and health of potato tubers (soil fertilization, foliar fertilization, agronomic treatments, etc.).
  • Assessment of varieties regarding the difficulty of breaking tuber dormancy immediately after harvest and the challenges in seed production.
  • Expert analyses and assistance in complaint procedures related to potato production.

Official Authorizations of the Workshop

  • Conducting research for phytosanitary companies with plant protection products (aphicides) for registration purposes.
  • Organizing and conducting official training for PIORIN employees on field evaluation of seed material, assessment of the external characteristics of seed potato batches, and sampling of seed potatoes for health assessment.

dr Agata Kaczmarek – Head of the Workshop


Phone: 94 342 30 31 w. 245

Research and Technical Staff:

mgr inż. Kamilla Sadowska – Engineer

Phone: 94 342 30 31 w.215

Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, National Research Institute

Branch in Bonin, Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin
REGON: 000079480, NIP: 529-000-70-29, KRS: 0000074008
Tel. central: (94) 342-30-31, fax: (94) 342-70-28
Bank Account Number: SANTANDER BANK POLSKA S.A.3 in Koszalin
36 1500 1096 1210 9002 5721 0000

Costs for DAS ELISA Immunoenzymatic Test

The total net cost for testing one sample using the DAS ELISA immunoenzymatic test from a tuber sample is as follows:

Number of Viruses Cost (PLN)
1 virus 1200
2 viruses 1900
3 viruses 2500
4 viruses 3000
5 viruses 3400
6 viruses 3700


  • The scope of the study includes the DAS ELISA test for the following potato viruses: PVY, PVM, PLRV, PVA, PVX, and PVS.
  • The minimum sample size for one potato variety is 90 tubers; however, it is recommended to send 110 tubers per test sample.
  • The expected waiting time for results is approximately 60 days, although this may vary depending on the number of samples being tested.

Systematic monitoring of aphid populations on potato plants allows for the rational planning of control measures.

The wingless form of Myzus persicae, the most significant aphid in transmitting Y and leafroll viruses.

The wingless forms of Aphis nasturtii are the most frequently and abundantly recorded aphids on potatoes during the growing season.

Timely destruction of potato haulms significantly reduces tuber virus infection in seed potato production. This can be done chemically.

or mechanically.

It is important to ensure that the remaining stem residues are not too short, ideally around 15-20 cm. This length accelerates drying and limits subsequent regrowth of the plants.

Symptoms of potato plant infection with the PVYNTN strain (Y virus strain) can also appear on the tubers, disqualifying them as processing material for chips and fries, and, due to their appearance, as table potatoes for direct sale.

Symptoms of potato plant infection with the Y virus (nerve necrosis on the underside of the leaf blade) can be mistaken for phytotoxic reactions caused by the use of mineral oil sprays for virus protection.

Symptoms of phytotoxic reactions caused by the use of mineral oil sprays.

N N310 722340

Title: The use of ethyl alcohol and phytohormones to quickly and safely stop dormancy of potato tubers Financing institution: National Science Center Implementation period: 2011-2014 Contractors: dr that. Sławomir Wróbel - project manager dr hab. [...]

N N310 162638

Title: Assessment of the possibility of seed propagation of microbubbles and plants in vitro in field conditions. Financing institution: National Science Center Implementation period: 2010-2012 Main performer: mgr. Eng. Agnieszka Barnyk Contractors: dr that. Sławomir [...]

IHAR-PIB Multi-Year Program

Title: Monitoring and assessment of changes in the populations of economically important pathogens of viral, bacterial and fungal origin as well as harmful insects on potato plantations. Subtask 4. Monitoring of the infectious pressure of [...]

3 P06R 034 24

Title: Impact of selected agrotechnical operations in potato seed production on tuber infection with Y and M viruses. Financing institution: Scientific Research Committee (today NCN) Implementation period: 2002-2004 Contractor: prof. dr hab. M. Kostiw - [...]

6 P06B 052 20

Title: The role of aphids not host-related to the potato plant in spreading the Y (PVY), M (PVM) and S (PVS) viruses in Polish conditions Financing institution: Scientific Research Committee (today NCN) Implementation period: 2001-2004 [...]


  • Wróbel S., Robak B. (2015). “Presja mszyc w Polsce w roku 2015.” Ziemniak Polski, 4: 12–17.
  • Wróbel S. (2015). “Assessment of possibilities of potato microtuber and in vitro plantlet seed multiplication in field conditions – Growth, development and yielding.” Field Crops Research, 178: 26–33. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2015.03.011.


  • Kapsa J., Mrówczyński M., Erlichowski T., Gawińska-Urbanowicz H., Matysek K., Osowski J., Pawińska M., Urbanowicz J., Wróbel S. (2014). “Ochrona ziemniaka zgodna z zasadami integrowanej ochrony roślin. Część I. Niechemiczne metody ochrony.” Biuletyn IHAR, 273: 129–143.
  • Kapsa J., Mrówczyński M., Erlichowski T., Gawińska-Urbanowicz H., Matysek K., Osowski J., Pawińska M., Urbanowicz J., Wróbel S. (2014). “Ochrona ziemniaka zgodna z zasadami integrowanej ochrony roślin. Część II. Metoda zrównoważonej chemicznej ochrony ziemniaka.” Biuletyn IHAR, 273: 145–159.
  • Kostiw M., Wróbel S., Robak B. (2014). “Monitoring presji infekcyjnej wirusów ziemniaka w Polsce jako element systemów decyzyjnych w nasiennictwie.” W: Ulepszanie roślin dla zrównoważonych agroekosystemów, wysokiej jakości żywności i produkcji roślinnej na cele nieżywnościowe. Monografie i Rozprawy Naukowe, IHAR-PIB, nr 48: 407 ss.
  • Wróbel S. (2014). “Assessment of possibilities of microtuber and in vitro plantlet seed multiplication in field conditions. Part 1: PVY, PVM and PLRV spreading.” American Journal of Potato Research, 91(5): 554–565.
  • Wróbel S. (2014). “Efficacy of mineral oil-insecticide mixtures for protection of potato tubers against PVY and PVM.” American Journal of Potato Research, 91(6): 706–713.
  • Wróbel S. (2014). “Gospodarstwo nasiennne Holgera Behnsena pod Hanowerem.” Ziemniak Polski, 4: 45–50.
  • Wróbel S. (2014). “Modification of ELISA by replacing incubation of microtiter plates in an incubator with their shaking in PVY, PVM and PLRV detection.” American Journal of Potato Research, 91(4): 354–362.
  • Wróbel S., Robak B. (2014). “Charakterystyka nowych odmian ziemniaka pod względem możliwości przerywania spoczynku bulw.” Biuletyn IHAR, 272: 93–101.
  • Wróbel S., Wąsik A. (2014). “Seed potato production in Poland.” American Journal of Potato Research, 91(3): 260–268.


  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2013). “Presja mszyc w 2013 roku i zagrożenie plantacji nasiennych ziemniaka wirusami Y i liściozwoju.” Ziemn. Pol., 4: 8-13.
  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2013). “Zagrożenie plantacji nasiennych ziemniaka wirusami w świetle najnowszych wyników badań.” W: Nasiennictwo i ochrona ziemniaka. Konf. nauk.-szkol., Dźwirzyno, 16-17 maja. IHAR ZNiOZ Bonin: 42-45.


  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2012). “Dynamika liczebności mszyc, wektorów wirusów, w latach 2010-2012 i zagrożenie plantacji nasiennych ziemniaka przez wirusy Y i liściozwoju w 2012 r.” Ziemn. Pol., 4: 18-23.
  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2012). “Epidemiologia chorób wirusowych ziemniaka w świetle najnowszych badań.” W: Nasiennictwo i ochrona ziemniaka. Konf. nauk.-szkol., Darłówko, 24-25 maja. IHAR ZNiOZ Bonin: 40-42.
  • Wróbel S. (2012). “Comparison of mineral oil and rapeseed oil used for the protection of seed potatoes against PVY and PVM infections.” Potato Research, 55(1): 83–96.
  • Wróbel S. (2012). “Efekty nawożenia ziemniaka odmiany Jelly dolistnymi preparatami YaraVita Ziemniak oraz Actisil.” Biuletyn IHAR, 266: 295–306.
  • Wróbel S. (2012). “Produkcja nasienna ziemniaka.” W: Produkcja i rynek ziemniaka. Red. J. Chotkowski. Wyd. Wieś Jutra, Warszawa: 102–130.
  • Wróbel S. (2012). “Tempo degeneracji nowych odmian ziemniaka w warunkach naturalnych.” Progress in Plant Protection, 52(1): 174–177.
  • Wróbel S. (2012). “Wykrywanie PVY, PVM i PVS w roślinach ziemniaka testem DAS-ELISA w próbach złożonych z 5 roślin.” Progress in Plant Protection, 52(3): 714–718.


  • Kostiw M. (2011). “The occurrence of major potato viruses in Poland.” J. Plant Protection Res., 51(3): 204-209.
  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2011). “Presja mszyc, wektorów wirusów, i zagrożenie plantacji nasiennych ziemniaka przez wirusy Y i liściozwoju w 2011 roku.” Ziemn. Pol., 4: 28-33.
  • Wróbel S. (2011). “Adiuwanty w ochronie ziemniaka przed porażeniem PVY i PVM.” Biuletyn IHAR, 259: 251–262.
  • Wróbel S. (2011). “Nowoczesna technologia produkcji sadzeniaków.” W: Ziemniaki cenne warzywo i nowoczesny biznes. Poradnik dla producentów, Agro Serwis, Wydanie trzecie: 22–25.
  • Wróbel S. (2011). “Wpływ mieszanin oleju mineralnego z insektycydami na dynamikę występowania mszyc na roślinach ziemniaka.” Progress in Plant Protection, 51(2): 625–629.
  • Wróbel S., Robak B. (2011). “Reakcja nowych odmian ziemniaka na terminy przerywania spoczynku bulw na potrzeby próby oczkowej.” Fragmenta Agronomica, 28(3): 120–128.


  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2010). “Zagrożenie plantacji nasiennych ziemniaka przez wirusy Y liściozwoju oraz przewidywana zdrowotność sadzeniaków zbioru 2010 roku.” Ziemn. Pol., 4: 14-20.
  • Wróbel S., Dutka A. (2010). “Wpływ wieku roślin ziemniaka na poziom wykrywania PVY, PVM i PLRV w teście ELISA.” Progress in Plant Protection, 50(1): 272–275.


  • Chotkowski J., Wróbel S. (2009). “Postęp biologiczny i technologiczny na XVI Krajowych Dniach Ziemniaka w Sielinku.” Ziemniak Polski, 4: 42–45.
  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2009). “Ocena zagrożenia plantacji nasiennych ziemniaka przez wirusy Y i liściozwoju w 2009 roku.” Ziemn. Pol., 4: 4-10.
  • Kostiw M., Robak B. (2009). “Występowanie mszyc Myzus persicae (Sulz.) i Aphis nasturtii (Kalt.) w uprawach ziemniaka w różnych rejonach kraju.” Prog. Plant Prot., 49(3): 1187-1191.
  • Wróbel S. (2009). “Sytuacja w nasiennictwie ziemniaka po katastrofalnym roku 2008.” Z

The Most Effective Methods for Implementing Agricultural Research Results:

  1. Popular Science Publications and Training
    • These methods are crucial for transferring research findings into practical applications.

Utilization of Mineral Oil and Its Role in Protecting Seed Potato Plantations from Virus Infections

  • Dissemination of Research Results:
    • Increased awareness among seed producers about the critical role of oils in reducing the spread of the Y virus.
    • Currently, the use of mineral oils is the most effective method for controlling this virus.
    • Almost all potato breeding farms in Poland and many large seed producers now use mineral oils for PVY protection.
    • The use of these oils has increased several times over the past few years.

Evaluation of the Impact of Selected Agronomic Practices on Seed Potato Production in Reducing Y and M Virus Infections

  • Findings:
    • Previously recommended chitting of seed potatoes is no longer effective in reducing tuber virus infections under current conditions.
    • Systematic use of mineral oil and the appropriate method of haulm destruction can reduce infections by up to 80%.
    • Dissemination of these research results has led to the widespread adoption of these practices, significantly improving seed technology and reducing losses, especially in highly susceptible foreign varieties.

Research on the Use of Adjuvants in Protecting Seed Potato Plantations from Virus Infections

  • Outcomes:
    • Multi-year research identified three promising oil substances (Ikar 95 EC, Olemix 84 EC, and Olejan 85 EC) tested in production conditions.
    • Olemix 84 EC is now commonly used by both Polish (HZ Zamarte, PMHZ Strzekęcin) and foreign (HZPC, Agrico, Solana) potato breeders in Poland.
    • It is a cost-effective and highly effective mineral oil, used at half the dose previously recommended for Sunspray 850 EC.

Determining the Optimal Time to Start Eye Dormancy Testing for Newly Registered Potato Varieties

  • Research Initiated in 2004:
    • Addressed the need for information from the State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service.
    • Determining the optimal start time for verification studies for each variety improves work organization by establishing the correct order of testing.
    • The assessment also identifies varieties with significantly longer dormancy, requiring adjusted testing times or alternative dormancy-breaking methods.

Evaluation of the Use of Glyphosate for Potato Plant Desiccation

  • Field Studies Conducted in 2004-2005:
    • Assessed the impact of glyphosate (active ingredient in Roundup 360 SL) for desiccating potato haulms.
    • Although Roundup is widely used in agriculture for weed control, it should not be used for desiccating potato plants on seed or commercial farms.
    • Glyphosate residues in tubers can severely inhibit sprout growth and lead to delayed emergence.
    • Even improper application before potato emergence can cause crop failures under adverse conditions.
    • Resulting losses from these issues are irreversible.
  • Diagnostics of Potato Seed Tuber Virus Infection:
    • Viruses Tested:
    • Method:
      • DAS ELISA Test using eye-piece samples
  • Variety Characterization:
    • Dormancy Breaking:
      • Assessment of difficulty in breaking tuber dormancy immediately after harvest
      • Evaluation of challenges in seed production
  • Support in Complaint Procedures:
    • Assistance in handling complaint processes related to potato production
  • Evaluation of Pesticide Effectiveness:
    • Insecticides:
      • Effectiveness against aphids
    • Desiccants, Mineral Oils, and Other Agents:
      • Impact on virus spread control
      • Influence on yield and quality of tubers
  • Seed Potato Consultancy:
    • Expert advice on all aspects of seed potato production
  • Assessment of Fertilizer Impact:
    • Mineral Fertilizers:
      • Applied to soil and as foliar sprays
    • Evaluation of their effects on yield and quality of harvested tubers

Our lab

Diagnostics Laboratory
Molecular and Biochemistry

Seed Laboratory

Resource Laboratory
Genes and Cultures in Vitro

Potato protection