Laboratory of Genetic Resources and In Vitro Cultures
Established in 1981 at the Potato Institute in Bonin (currently IHAR PIB), the in vitro collection of potato genotypes is the only collection of healthy tetraploid forms in Poland. The collection consists of over 1600 forms, including 1485 varieties. The gene bank maintains Polish varieties registered in the post-war period (about 20% of the resources), as well as foreign varieties and promising lines.
The in vitro bank includes healthy plants, free from viruses, potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), and the bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus. The collected in vitro resources are 100% tested and free from these pathogens, and are used by breeding and research institutions in Poland for crossbreeding, propagation, and research purposes. Currently, it is the only potato genotype bank in Poland and one of the few in the world where the resources are free from commonly occurring pathogens, including quarantine pathogens. The Potato Gene Bank in Vitro in Bonin collects and maintains pathogen-free varieties and promising lines in a living state. Before being placed in the Gene Bank, the material undergoes a “healing” therapy and then tests are conducted to confirm its health status.
The in vitro potato genetic resources are used in maintenance breeding, providing material that improves the health of seed potatoes and shortens the field production cycle to obtain the appropriate amount of material in the first stage of seed production. These resources also serve as genetic material for the revival of varieties that have attracted interest (e.g., old Polish varieties for organic farms). The in vitro potato resources are also significant for research purposes, including genetic, biochemical, and physiological studies.
The resources in the in vitro Potato Gene Bank are free from ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus), brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum), potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), and commonly occurring viruses (PVA, PVX, PVS, PVM, PVY, and PLRV). Thermotherapy (33-37°C) and meristem isolation are used to free plants from pathogens. The health of the resources maintained in the Bank is checked multiple times, using various methods and at different stages of plant development. The material provided externally is always accompanied by a health passport issued by PIORiN, guaranteeing its health status.
For the years 2014-2020, within the framework of the Long-term Program “Collection and Preservation in Field, In Vitro, and Cryopreservation Collections, Characterization, Evaluation, Documentation, and Availability of Genetic Resources and Information on Agricultural and Other Useful Plants, Their Wild Relatives, and Companion Plants – Tetraploid Potato Collection in In Vitro Collection,” the topic “Improvement of Biotechnological Methods and Their Use in Managing the In Vitro Potato Genotype Collection” was planned. This project was to be funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MRiRW) at a level of 180,000.00 PLN per year, totaling approximately 1,260,000.00 PLN.
Dr. hab. inż. Włodzimierz Przewodowski – Head of the Laboratory
- Phone: +48 94 342 30 31 ext. 211
- Email:
Scientific Staff
Dr. hab. inż. Włodzimierz Przewodowski
- Phone: +48 94 342 30 31 ext. 211
- Email:
Dr. inż. Agnieszka Przewodowska
- Phone: +48 94 342 30 31 ext. 213
- Email:
Mgr inż. Dorota Michałowska – Assistant
- Phone: +48 94 342 30 31 ext. 219, 213
- Email:
Research and Technical Personnel
Ewa Stochła – Senior Technician
- Phone: +48 94 342 30 31 ext. 219, 213
Małgorzata Mozolewska – Technician
- Phone: +48 94 342 30 31 ext. 219, 213
Katarzyna Neumiler – Technician
- Phone: +48 94 342 30 31 ext. 219, 213
Elimination of pathogens ….
Title: Elimination of non-quarantine pathogens (endogenous bacteria and viruses) and control of potato plant health at the in Vitro bank Implementation period: 2014-2020 Project value: PLN 840,000.00.
MRiRW project – Protection of biodiversity
Title: Improving biotechnological methods and their use in conducting the collection of potato plant genotypes in Vitro Implementation period: 2001-2007 Project value: PLN 700,000.00
Basic Research for progress …
Basic research for biological progress in plant production Title: Evaluation of selected potato genotypes as the starting material for breeding cultivars useful for processing Implementation period: 2001-2007 Project value: PLN 468 000.00
Multiannual Program “Plant Improvement ….
Multiannual Program "Plant Improvement for Sustainable AgroEkoSystems, High Quality Food and Plant Production for Non-Food Purposes" Title: Improving biotechnological methods and their use in conducting the collection of potato plant genotypes in Vitro Implementation period: [...]
Basic Research for …
Basic research for biological progress in plant production Title: Development of methods for rapid reproduction of potato genotypes Implementation period: 2008-2013 Project value: PLN 1,650,000.00
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2015). “Micropropagation – Technology Used for Producing Healthy Seed Potatoes.” Ziemniak Polski, 2.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2015). “Elimination of Bacterial Contaminations in In Vitro Potato Cultures.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Dźwirzyno near Kołobrzeg, 13-15 May 2015.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2014). “Influence of Selected Medium Components on Microtuber Production.” Ziemniak Polski, 1, 4-7.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D., Krzewińska, A. (2014). “Health Status of Genetic Resources Collected and Provided by the In Vitro Potato Gene Bank in Bonin.” Ziemniak Polski, 2, 16-19.
- Krzewińska, A., Michałowska, D. (2014). “Potatoes on the Plate – How Much Do We Know About Them?” Ziemniak Polski, 2, 54-58.
- Michałowska, D., Sekrecka, D. (2014). “Long-term Storage of Potato Genetic Resources in the Gene Bank in Bonin.” Ziemniak Polski, 4, 4-7.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D., Krzewińska, A. (2014). “Health Control of Genotypes Collected in the In Vitro Potato Gene Bank.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Dźwirzyno near Kołobrzeg, 15-16 May 2014, 65-66.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2013). “Resources of the In Vitro Potato Gene Bank and Their Practical Use.” Ziemniak Polski, 2, 15-19.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2013). “In Vitro Potato Cultures and Their Importance in Seed Production.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Dźwirzyno near Kołobrzeg, 16-17 May 2013, 120.
- Michałowska, D., Sekrecka, D. (2012). “In Vitro Potato Gene Bank in Bonin Compared to World Gene Banks.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 24-25 May 2012, 60-62.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2012). “In Vitro Potato Genetic Resources and Their Usefulness for Breeding and Science in Poland.” 5th National Conference on Plant Genetic Resources, Rogów, 11-14 September 2012, 44.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2012). “Influence of Selected Medium Components on Microtuber Formation in In Vitro Cultures.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 24-25 May 2012, 122-124.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2012). “Identification and Valorization of Potato Genetic Resources Collected in the In Vitro Gene Bank.” 5th National Conference on Plant Genetic Resources, Rogów, 11-14 September 2012, 65.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2011). “Collection of Polish Potato Varieties in the In Vitro Gene Bank.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 19-20 May 2011, 85-89.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2011). “Microtuberization of Selected Potato Varieties.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 19-20 May 2011, 94-96.
- Sekrecka, D., Dutka, A., Michałowska, D. (2011). “Mission Biodiversity 2010. 2nd International Conference and Workshop ‘Old Crop Varieties and Livestock Breeds – Agricultural Biological Diversity in Practice’ – Conference Report.” Ziemniak Polski, 3, 56-60.
- Kostiw, M., Sekrecka, D. (2010). “Infection of Potato Tubers of Chosen Cultivars by Y, M, S and Potato Leafroll Viruses in Ecological Crops in Northern Poland in the Years 2006-2008.” Phytopathologia, 51, 45-52.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2010). “Evaluation of Yield of Selected Potato Varieties Depending on the Size of Planted Microtubers.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 20-21 May 2010, 141-143.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2010). “Long-term Storage of Selected Potato Varieties in the In Vitro Gene Bank.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 20-21 May 2010, 144-146.
- Sekrecka, D., Stypa, I. (2010). “Resources of the In Vitro Potato Gene Bank.” Catalogue. Bonin, pp. 42.
- Stypa, I., Sekrecka, D. (2010). “Biological Diversity in the Potato Collection (Solanum tuberosum L.) Collected in IHAR ZNiOZ in Bonin.” In: 1st International Conference and Workshop “Mission Biodiversity,” Bachotek, 2009, 66-68.
- Sekrecka, D. (2009). “Influence of Microtuber Size and Planting Density on Multiplication Factor of Selected Potato Varieties.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 21-22 May 2009, 169-171.
- Sekrecka, D., Szewczyk, B. (2009). “Evaluation of Yield of Old and New Potato Varieties in Ecological Conditions.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 21-22 May 2009, 171-173.
- Sekrecka, D., Michałowska, D. (2009). “Influence of Light and BAP on Microtuber Production in In Vitro Conditions.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Darłówko, 21-22 May 2009, 173-175.
- Sekrecka, D., Lesińska, M. (2007). “In Vitro Potato Gene Bank in Poland and Worldwide.” Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 517, 115-119.
- Sekrecka, D. (2008). “Micropropagation of Selected Potato Genotypes.” Ziemniak Polski, 3, 21-24.
- Lesińska, M., Sekrecka, D. (2007). “Factors Inducing Tuberization of Potatoes in In Vitro Conditions – Literature Review.” Biuletyn IHAR, 243, 141-149.
- Sekrecka, D. (2007). “Factors Affecting Potato Tuberization in In Vitro Conditions.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 19-20 April 2007, 108-109.
- Lesińska, M., Sekrecka, D. (2006). “Factors Inducing Potato Tuberization in In Vitro Conditions – Literature and Own Research.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 30-31 March 2006, 65-68.
- Sekrecka, D., Lesińska, M. (2006). “Evaluation of Selected Potato Varieties in In Vitro Cultures.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 30-31 March 2006, 62-65.
- Sekrecka, D., Lesińska, M. (2006). “In Vitro Potato Gene Bank in Bonin.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 30-31 March 2006, 111-113.
- Sekrecka, D., Lesińska, M. (2006). “In Vitro Potato Gene Bank.” In: Scientific Conference “Plant Genetic Resources in the Protection of Biological Diversity,” Lublin, 27-29 June 2006, 24.
- Sekrecka, D. (2005). “Selected Factors Affecting Potato Tuberization in In Vitro Conditions.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 10-11 March 2005, 80-82.
- Sekrecka, D. (2005). “Planting Density of In Vitro Plants and the Resulting Multiplication Factor of Mini Tubers.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 10-11 March 2005, 82-83.
- Trojanowska, E. (2005). “In Vitro Potato Gene Bank Free from Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd).” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 10-11 March 2005, 84-86.
- Sekrecka, D. (2004). “Long-term Storage of Potato Genotypes in In Vitro Cultures.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 4-5 March 2004, 109-111.
- Sekrecka, D., Stypa, I. (2004). “Resources of the In Vitro Potato Gene Bank.” Catalogue.
- Sekrecka, D. (2003). “Resources of the In Vitro Potato Gene Bank.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 24-25 April 2003, 96-99.
- Sekrecka, D. (2003). “Micropropagation of Potatoes – The Future of Modern Seed Production.” In: Conference “Seed Production and Potato Protection,” Kołobrzeg, 24-25 April 2003, 51-55.
- Turska, E., Sekrecka, D., Trendak-Goska, E., Pilecki, T. (2002). “Gene Resources of In Vitro Potato Plants – Possibilities of Improving Methods in Maintaining Plant Collections.” Broad Variation and Precise Characterization – Limitation for the Future, EUCARPIA, Poznań, 146-149.
- Turska, E., Sekrecka, D. (2001). “Micropropagation as an Element of Modern Potato Seed Production.” Wieś Jutra, 3(32), 9-11.
- Lewosz, J., Stypa, I., Turska, E., Sekrecka, D. (2001). “Status of Potato Germplasm Collections in Poland.” 46th Report of a Working Group on Potato. First Meeting, IPGRI, Rome, Italy, 46-54.
- Sekrecka, D., Pilecki, T., Trendak-Goska, E., Turska, E. (2001). “Gene Resources of In Vitro Potato Plants – Possibilities of Improving Methods in Maintaining Plant Collections.” EUCARPIA, Section Genetic Resources.
- Sekrecka, D., Trendak-Goska, E., Pilecki, T. (2001). “Resources of the In Vitro Potato Gene Bank.” Ziemniak Polski, 3, 8-11.
- Sekrecka, D., Trendak-Goska, E., Stypa, I. (2001). “In Vitro Gene Bank Resources.” Catalogue, pp. 70.
One of our significant achievements is the “Development of a Method for Managing the In Vitro Potato Genotype Bank and Utilizing Its Resources in Breeding and Seed Production under Polish Conditions,” which was awarded the Minister of Agriculture and Food Economy Award in 1997.
- Healing and Collecting New, Valuable Genotypes in the In Vitro Gene Bank
- Maintaining Genetic Material in the Gene Bank
- Micropropagation of Genotypes on Behalf of Breeding and Research Institutions
The primary recipients of these research services are breeding and research institutions, for which healthy starting material is prepared. Between 2008 and 2013, 696 genotypes were taken from the In Vitro Gene Bank for breeding purposes, resulting in the preparation of over 200,000 in vitro plants and approximately 10,000 mini-tubers. For research purposes, including genetic, biochemical, and physiological studies supporting breeding, more than 60,000 in vitro plants, 80,000 mini-tubers, and 27,000 micro-tubers were prepared from 746 genotypes taken from the Bank.
Our lab
Diagnostics Laboratory
Molecular and Biochemistry
Seed Laboratory
Resource Laboratory
Genes and Cultures in Vitro
Potato protection