
In connection with the adoption by the Polish Government of a draft amendment to the Seed Act, which implements the provisions of the EU Directives of 2014 from January 1, 2017, solutions will be introduced to adapt Polish provisions to the EU Directives related to seed and fruit plants. The project introduces the possibility of assessing the external features of plants by accredited qualifiers.

The Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization in Bonin is a unit authorized to conduct training, ending with an exam and receiving such accreditation.

Training offer for 2020

Accredited Qualifier

in the field of evaluation of external features of potato tubers

March 5, 2020 |  1-day training

Basic training in the field of assessment of external features of potato tubers

Form of implementation (e.g. training, scientific conference, workshops, etc.) 1-day training for accredited qualifiers
Organizer: IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin
Planned date (date, number of hours): February, March
Place of implementation: IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin

Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin

Content manager: dr inż. Jerzy Osowski
Training topics (included in points): TRAINING TOPICS

  1. Principles of potato seed production – location, rotation, agrotechnics and storage of seed potatoes.
  2. Characteristics of varieties taking into account the external characteristics of tubers.
  3. Potato diseases, including tuber symptoms, their harmfulness and recognition as well as symptoms of physiological and mechanical damage.
  4. Soil pests, including symptoms on tubers, their harmfulness and recognition and impact on the quality of seed potatoes.
  5. Seed regulations, requirements for the production and quality of seed potatoes, methodologies for assessing external characteristics, documentation required.
  6. Performance of external features assessment in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Contact person (e-mail address, telephone, fax): Krystyna Żalejko IHAR-PIB Bonin

tel: 94 342 30 31 (wew. 205); fax: 94 342 70 28

Date: March 5, 2020

Seed potato production – field evaluation of seed

Form of implementation (e.g. training, scientific conference, workshops, etc.) Training for PIORiN employees
Organizer: IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin
Planned date (date, number of hours): 2-day training; June 2020
Place of implementation: IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin

Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin

Content manager: dr inż. Jerzy Osowski
Tematyka szkolenia (ujęta w punktach): Theoretical part:

  1. Potato seed production and changes occurring in it.
  2. Viruses and their vectors, occurrence, changes occurring.
  3. Diagnosis of pathogens.
  4. Protection of potato seed plantations.
  5. Diseases and pests, including quarantine; occurrence of control methods.
  6. Characteristics of potato varieties and official description.
  7. Legislation

Practical part (classes in the field)

  1. Practical part (classes in the field)
  2. Reaction of potato plants to infection by fungal and bacterial diseases.
  3. The importance of biotic and abiotic factors.
  4. The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the expressiveness of plant infection symptoms by viruses.
  5. Reaction of varieties to plant protection products.
  6. Occurrence of potato pests and occurring changes.
Contact person (e-mail address, telephone, fax): Krystyna Żalejko IHAR-PIB Bonin

tel: 94 342 30 31 (wew. 205); fax: 94 342 70 28

Date: 17-18 June 2020

Recognition of disease symptoms and pests on potato plants during the growing season

Form of implementation (e.g. training, scientific conference, workshops, etc.) Training workshops
Organizer: IHAR-PIB Oddział w Boninie
Planned date (date, number of hours): 1st half of July; 1-day field workshop
Place of implementation: IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin

Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin

Content manager: dr inż. Jerzy Osowski
Training topics (included in points): Training topics

  1. Identification of pests and diagnostic symptoms of their feeding
  2. Identification of the symptoms of fungal diseases, their similarities and differences.
  3. Identification of the symptoms of bacterial diseases, their similarities and differences.
  4. Methods of protection against diseases and pests along with elements of the principles of Integrated Potato Protection.
  5. Demonstration of disease and pest symptoms in the field.
Contact person (e-mail address, telephone, fax): Krystyna Żalejko IHAR-PIB Bonin

tel: 94 342 30 31 (wew. 205); fax: 94 342 70 28

Date: July 16, 2020

Potato seed production – sampling of tubers for laboratory tests and assessment of external characteristics

Form of implementation (e.g. training, scientific conference, workshops, etc.) Training for PIORiN employees
Organizer: IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin
Planned date (date, number of hours): 2-day training; September 2020
Place of implementation: IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin

Bonin 3, 76-009 Bonin

Content manager: dr inż. Jerzy Osowski
Training topics (included in points): Theoretical part

  1. Characteristics of potato varieties, official description.
  2. Principles of potato seed production – location, rotation, agrotechnics and storage of seed potatoes with elements of prevention regarding quarantine organisms.
  3. Diseases of tubers and reaction of varieties, the importance of biotic and abiotic factors.
  4. Diagnosis of pathogens.
  5. Conditions used for simplified laboratory assessment in potato seed production.
  6. Legislation.

Practical part (field, storage)

  1. Methods of sampling for laboratory health assessment of seed potatoes, sorting rules.
  2. Methodology for assessing external characteristics, documentation on the production of seed potatoes, practical evaluation of external characteristics.
  3. Legislation.
Contact person (e-mail address, telephone, fax): Krystyna Żalejko IHAR-PIB Bonin

tel: 94 342 30 31 (wew. 205); fax: 94 342 70 28

Date: 16-17 September 2020

Our lab

Diagnostics Laboratory
Molecular and Biochemistry

Seed Laboratory

Resource Laboratory
Genes and Cultures in Vitro

Potato protection