Title: Increasing the competitiveness of Polish plant products on international markets by increasing their quality and phytosanitary safety FITOEXPORT

Implementation period: 2019-2021

Project manager: dr Janina Butrymowicz

Project co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the strategic program of scientific research and development works “Social and economic development of Poland in the conditions of globalizing markets” GOSPOSTRATEG

Project “Increasing the competitiveness of Polish plant products on international markets by increasing their quality and phytosanitary safety FITOEXPORT”

Project leader / consortium

Project manager:

Contract number:

Start date:


Total project cost:

Chief Inspectorate of Plant Protection and Seed Production based in Warsaw

Dr. Janina Butrymowicz, Chief Inspectorate of Plant Protection and Seed Production @: J.Butrymowicz@piorin.gov.pl, mobile phone +48 660 696 566

Gospostrateg1 / 385957/5 / NCBR / 2018



The value of eligible costs: PLN 11,022,546
The amount of funding by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR): PLN 9 569 266

The main goal of the Project is to enable Polish plant products to enter new markets and increase their competitiveness by effectively responding to the import requirements of new recipients and improving the controls carried out by the State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service (PIORiN), using modern inspection methods, inspection of crops and research laboratory.

Project results recipients:

directly – PIORiN (GIORiN and sixteen voivodship inspectorates),

indirectly – economic entities: agricultural producers, distributors and exporters.

The FITOEXPORT project is implemented by a consortium consisting of:

1. The Chief Inspectorate of Plant Protection and Seed Production based in Warsaw

2. University of Warsaw

3. Institute of Aviation

4. Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization – National Research Institute

5. Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute


Project Manager: dr Janina Butrymowicz

Chief Inspectorate for Plant Protection and Seed

@: J.Butrymowicz@piorin.gov.pl

mobile phone +48 660 696 566

Participation in the IHAR-PIB Project, Branch in Bonin:

The value of eligible costs of tasks implemented at the IHAR-PIB Branch in Bonin: PLN 2,783,169.

Research phase

Task 3. The use of a molecular test for detection of potato viruses Y, M, L, S, X, A and potato tuber spindle viroid (PSTVd) in potato seed potatoes.

Task coordinator: dr hab. Krzysztof Treder, @: k.treder@ihar.edu.pl; tel. 943423031 ext. 207.

Realization: virological team of the Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics and Biochemistry (IHAR-PIB, Branch in Bonin, PDMiB). Aim of the task: To develop a molecular test for the simultaneous detection of Y, M, S, X, A potato viruses, leaf rot virus (PLRV), and tuber spindle viroid (PSTVd) directly in potato tubers.

The implementation phase

Task 6. Preparation of PIORiN to implement an innovation strategy and use modern tools in the implementation of control tasks.

Purpose of the task: Preparation of PIORiN to implement innovative methods, techniques and management methods at PIORiN.

From the PDMiB website (IHAR-PIB, Branch in Bonin)

Training employees of four PIORiN laboratories in the field of new methods of detection of qualitative and PSTVd ​​viruses in potato seed potatoes. Conducting and evaluating an inter-laboratory comparative study (four laboratories) for RT-qPCR and / or RT-LAMP multimetodes.

Responsible: dr hab. Krzysztof Treder. Realization: virological team of the Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics and Biochemistry (IHAR-PIB, Branch in Bonin, PDMiB) and employees of four laboratories of PIORiN.