Myzus persicae | Aphis nasturtii

These are aphids host-related to the potato plant, the main vectors of potato viruses, the table lists the most abundant species.

* other – Other species of potato-related aphids that were harvested during the season.

Myzus fabae  | Hayhurstia atriplicis

These are aphids that are not host-related to the potato plant, accidentally found in search of the host plant, can carry potato viruses, the table lists the most abundant species.

* other – Other species of potato-related aphids that were harvested during the season.

Graph showing the absolute number of aphids:

Miejscowość: Karwno

Województwo: Pomorskie

Gmina: Czarna Dąbrówka

Rok: 2019


Myzus persicae (fot. Sławomir Wróbel)
Aphis nasturtii( fot. Sławomir Wróbel)