Title: The role of aphids not host-related to the potato plant in spreading the Y (PVY), M (PVM) and S (PVS) viruses in Polish conditions

Financing institution: Scientific Research Committee (today NCN)

Implementation period: 2001-2004

Contractor: prof. dr hab. M. Kostiw – project manager

dr Urszula Kaczmarek – contractor

Implementing unit: Department of Seed Science and Potato Protection IHAR-PIB in Bonin

Project value: PLN 140,000

Purpose of research:

  • Understanding the species composition of aphids attacking potato crops, the date of spring migration and the dynamics of the number of these insects throughout the entire growing season.
  • Assessment of individual “non-potato” aphid species in the spread of PVY0, PVYN, PVM and PVS during the growing season.

Results achieved:

  • With respect to aphids not related to food, it was found that the largest numbers in both locations were: Cryptomyzus galeopsidis, Hyperomyzus lactucae, Aryrthosiphon pisum, Hayhurstia atriplicis, Brachycaudus helichrysi, Cavariella aegopodir, Metopolis
    In both cities, they began spring migration earlier (in Bonin on average June 4, and in Stary Oleśno on May 30) than “potato” aphids (on average June 18 and 12, respectively).
  • The earliest spring migration was started in order by the following non-potato aphid species in Bonin: R.padi, C.aegopodii, H.lactucae, C.ribis, A.fabae, C.galeopsidis, A.pisum, B.helichrysi, H. atriplicis, M.dirhodum, C.hippophaes, and in Stary Olesno: C.aegopodii, C.galeopsidis, A.fabae, H.lactucae, B.helichrysi, R.padi, M.dirhodum, C.hippophaes, A.pisum, C.ribis, H. atriplicis.
  • Based on the concurrence of infestation and occurrence of “non-potato” aphids with the simultaneous absence of “potato” aphids at the same time, it can be considered that at least some of the following aphid species were responsible for the transmission of PVY, PVM and PVS: C. galeopsidis, H.lactucae , A.pisum, H.atriplicis, B.helichrysi, C.aegopodii, A.fabae, M.dirhodum, R.padi, C.hippophaes. The justification of this statement is further supported by the fact that most of them were characterized by large or very large numbers and early spring migration. They were therefore particularly dangerous for young plants that have not yet acquired resistance to age-related infection. In addition, with regard to PVY, it should be emphasized that they are all vectors of this virus. Apart from the few exceptions (given in the text), there is no information as to the possibility of their transmission of PVM and PVS, which is why the statement regarding these viruses has a slightly weaker substantive argument. At the same time, the presence generally prevents a closer assessment of the importance of individual species of these insects in the transmission of the relevant viruses.
  • In view of the confirmed share of aphids living on potato in the epidemiology of PVY, PVM and PVS, their occurrence should be taken into account when forecasting tuber infection with these viruses and signaling the deadlines for controlling aphids and destroying leaves in seed plantations.