Project title: Collaborative research with Russian scientists to enhance potato late blight resistance mediated by Poland’s Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute. Part two. Data collection of epidemiology of Late Blight in Poland

Number: 61-grant-3-4-00-0-00

Financing institution: CEEM

Implementation period: 13 months (September 1, 2003 – September 1, 2004)

Name and role of the employees: Józefa Kapsa, main contractor:

Place of implementation or if it was a project implemented in cooperation – cooperation of other entities: the area of ​​Poland

Cost (project value): PLN 39,122

Objective: To monitor the first, early blight infections on potato plantations in Poland

Results achieved and list of publications:

The dates of occurrence of the earliest late blight infections on potato plantations in Poland in the 2004 season were characterized, and the severity of the perpetrator’s infectious pressure was determined as part of European comparative studies.


  1. Kapsa J., Gawińska-Urbanowicz H., Gryka M., Krzyszczuk E. 2003. Monitoring of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) on potato plantations. Seed Science and Potato Protection Conference. Kołobrzeg, 24-25.04.2003. IHAR Radzików, ZNiOZ Bonin: 18-20.
  2. Kapsa J. 2004. Practical application of the online system for monitoring and forecasting late blight in the protection of potato plantations. Seed and Potato Protection. Kołobrzeg Conference, 4-5.03.2004. IHAR Radzików, ZNiOZ Bonin: 5-8.
  3. Kapsa J., Gawińska-Urbanowicz H. 2004. Possibilities to monitor the occurrence of the first infections of the plague (Phytophthora infestans) in potato crops. Biul. IHAR 232: 307-313
  4. Kapsa J., Hansen J.G. 2004. Establishment of a monitoring network for potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in Poland. Plant Breed. Seed Sci. 50: 63-70.