Polish Potato Quarterly
specialist, nationwide quarterly magazine for the potato industry
- is an advisory scientific and technical journal
- Topics include a high level of content in the field of economics, protection,
- storage, processing, agricultural technology and other potato-related issues
- has been published since 1991, is a journal reviewed and indexed in the Agro, Index Copernicus and SIGŻ databases
The fee for 2019 is PLN 50 (including 5% VAT).
The editors will send the first issue together with the invoice
after making a payment by bank or postal transfer to the bank account of IHAR-PIB Zakład Nasiennictwa i Ochrony Potatoes w Boninie Bank Zachodni WBK SA III O / Koszalin 36 1500 1096 1210 9002 5721 0000 with the annotation “Subscription for 2015” and the exact return address.
• color advertising on pages 2, 3 and 4 – PLN 2,700 + VAT
• colorful advertisement inside the number – 2200 PLN + VAT
• A4 black and white advertisement inside the number – PLN 1,500 + VAT
• advertising article inside the issue – PLN 1,500 / page + VAT
Individual price negotiations are possible. The order should be accompanied by the authorization to issue VAT invoices without the signature of the payer and the tax identification number.
The editors are not responsible for the content of advertising.
Authors are asked to sign their works with their full name, academic degree, title, e-mail address and exact address of the institution. Approximate volume of articles along with tables, drawings and bibliography – 4-8 A4 pages.
Text in the Word editor, saved as a DOC file .; Arial CE font, font size 11, double spacing, without hyphenation and right margin alignment. Please do not number the pages. Texts should be sent by e-mail to zalejko@ziemniak-bonin.pl
Articles should be scientific and technical (useful for business practice), therefore it is recommended to attach illustrative material, including colorful drawings and photographs. Under the tables it is mandatory to provide the data source, and at the end of the work a few most important literature items. Please attach a short (up to 10 lines) summary and a few keywords to be published on the website of the journal www.ihar.edu.pl
The editors reserve the right to edit the articles, change the title and make abbreviations in the text in accordance with the needs of the magazine
Reviewing procedure in the Ziemniak Polski quarterly
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